Relationship Matters International (2001) Ltd has been providing local & international Counselling, Mediation, Training, Clinical & Practice Coaching, and Career and Employer Workplace Assistance services since 2001 via our Auckland Office, National and International online Zoom sessions, and local Home Visit service delivery options.
The Practice celebrated its 20-year anniversary in 2021 and has provided services to clients in New Zealand, Australia, the UK, the USA, Morocco, Europe, India, Indonesia, and Canada.
The Practice operates within a Client Directed, Outcome Informed methodology (CDOI).
CDOI is encapsulated within the Partners For Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS).
The client outcome measurement tools utilised within the Practice are anchored in the Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) deliberate practice professional process.
Prospective clients may nominate their therapeutic service delivery preferences here, and email the results to RML prior to their first session.
A Personal Core Values Assessment may also be completed here.
An RML SUCCESS Goal Sheet may be downloaded from here.
The RML Feelings & Beliefs Assessment grids may be downloaded here.
100% of Practice clients have been referred to Relationship Matters via word-of-mouth, so if you are reading this, then chances are someone thought it might be a useful idea for you to make contact with RML.
Every single client session is evaluated pre and post-session for both ongoing client progress and ongoing client engagement efficacy outcome measurement, utilising Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) methodology.
Over a 20-year practice period (and counting), between 51% - 78% of RML clients achieve a positive, clinically significant change in an average of 3.61 sessions and an overall Practice (Cohen) Effect size of between .51 and .78.
Please contact steve.taylor@relationshipmatters.org.nz to make a service enquiry.
The RML "Straight Talk" magazine column articles may be read here.
RML also has a Private Sponsorship Fund that financially supports a range of initiatives. Recent examples have included grants for community advocacy, funded self-defence classes, and seed funding for a community sports group.
Session fees are $120.00 per hour for Zoom appointments, and $140.00 per hour for Face-to-face office appointments (or part thereof), and are paid per session, in advance.
Please email steve.taylor@relationshipmatters.org.nz for more information.
RML "Stuff" Article: Relationships & the impact of Covid 19
For additional Social Service Assistance, please go to the Family Services Directory.

CONTACT | PHONE: (021)-259-2506 | EMAIL: steve.taylor@relationshipmatters.org.nz |
Copyright 2001-2023 - Relationship Matters Ltd. All Rights Reserved.