Stephen Taylor, Director, Relationship Matters (International) 2001 Ltd
In New Zealand, you can choose from over 4000 therapist providers practising more than 400 types of therapy, yet the model of therapy only accounts for just 1% of client outcomes.
So, why come to Relationship Matters?
The answer is Results.
Over a 20-year period (and counting), between 51% & 78% of RML clients have achieved positive, clinically significant change in an average of 3.61 sessions and an overall Practice (Cohen) Effect size of between 0.51 & 0.78, when corrected for the level of presenting distress, and length of agency service engagement.
Different therapists using similar methods can have very different outcomes.
But research has shown that over time, each therapist has a consistent level of effectiveness.
There are many therapists available, but very few therapists with consistently excellent clinical outcomes (although no therapist is helpful with every client).
In fact, in this 2020 study, only 38% of counselling clients agreed that the issue they attended counselling for, was resolved, following treatment.
And, the same study shows, that the number one issue clients face in the real world, is finding the right therapist to begin working with.
Most therapists think they are better than average in terms of performance, but at Relationship Matters, we let the evidence speak for itself.
We actually measure client results in order to improve client outcomes, and overall, between 51% & 78% of the time (see FAQ section), our clients clinically improve (internationally, above-average client improvement rates fall between the 65% - 75% percentile).
In other words, when it comes to achieving positive client outcomes, we don’t guess or assume results –we measure them, and only a minority of therapists worldwide do so.
Please go to the following link for more information on the tools we use to measure our client outcomes.
My wife and I chose Steve Taylor to help with a particularly difficult situation we were having with our young teenage daughter.
We met with Steve together with our daughter.
Steve then had an individual session with our daughter, and my wife and l have had various sessions with him subsequently.
Throughout the intervention, Steve was absolutely outstanding.
Steve has made himself available at all times of the night and day. during the week and weekends.
Whenever we have needed his advice or simply a listening ear, he has been there for us.
We feel that whenever it has been appropriate Steve has gone far beyond what is normally expected of a counsellor on our behalf.
He has made phone calls to assist our situation, written letters, and made personal visits.
Steve is a rare breed of individual who is prepared to make a stand on issues when he believes people have been wronged and to talk on our behalf and represent us when we have been unable to do so ourselves.
There are not enough people in our society with the fortitude to make a stand on issues that are not always popular in all quarters.
Steve is certainly not scared to make a stand and put his head above the parapet.
Steve is an excellent listener, wanting to fully understand a situation rather than making rushed judgement.
His vast experience with an extremely wide variety of real-life situations means that when he does make comment it is always valid and helpful.
Steve is no soft push-over, and his strong personality means that people cannot manipulate him and he is able to stick to his principles.
Steve‘s strong Christian faith gives him a sound principled foundation.
Additional characteristics of Steve are: A man of integrity; Genuine; Discreet; Sensitive; Loyal; Does not say just what people want to hear; Protects sensitive client information; Committed to do whatever it takes to reach the objective; Creative in identifying appropriate solutions; Great sense of humor - this is often useful in high-tension situations: Not scared to call it like he sees it.
Our unfortunate situation with our daughter is ongoing and will not be a quick-fix.
We are grateful to have someone of Steve's calibre to help us cope.
We have had experience with numerous other counselors. and are convinced Steve is by far the best in his field.
We have no hesitation in recommending Steve to others requiring assistance.
CONTACT | PHONE: (021)-259-2506 | EMAIL: steve.taylor@relationshipmatters.org.nz |
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