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Copyright 2002-2017 - Relationship Matters. All Rights Reserved.
1. "15 years of other counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists couldn't help me - but you did"
2. "1st Counsellor I have ever met in years that has actually made any sense"
3. "1st person I would recommend as a counsellor"
4. "24-7 may just cover the hours you may need to work to help people the way you do"
5. "A + service!"
6. "A catalyst for positive change in our relationship"
7. "A complete and positive turnaround for our family".
8. "A fantastic move forward for our family"
9. Keeps the discussion safe, constructive, and at the right level"
10. "A hard, and yet valuable process"
11. "A positive turning point for our family"
12. "A real find"
13. "A real lifesaver"
14. "A reality check for my teenager - resulting in a positive turnaround after just one meeting"
15. "A reluctant journey, but a worthwhile one"
16. "A straight shooter who gets to the heart of the matter without mincing words or wasting time"
17. "A successful Counsellor because he is not a typical Counsellor"
18. "A timely intervention for our family"
19. "A very incisive mind"
20. "A very skilled counsellor"
21. "A very skilled Family Mediator"
22. "A whole lot more useful than going through the Family Court"
23. "Absolute common sense"
24. "Absolutely amazing outcome"
25. "Actually, that was kind of fun"
26. "Affirmed our roles as reasonable parents"
27. "Allowed me to see myself as I really am"
28. "Already recommending you after just one session for ourselves"
29. "Always consistently supportive, which makes the process trustworthy"
30. "Always learn something of value"
31. "Always understood as to where I was at, without me even having to say it"
32. "Always walk out of a session feeling not only good, but empowered"
33. "Am now feeling more confident about the future"
34. "Am putting into practice what I learnt - its working"
35. "Amazing how someone who I've just met can read me better than my own family"
36. "An absolute Godsend"
37. "An environment of openness, honesty, and feedback"
38. "An immensely positive input into our lives"
39. "An inspiration"
40. "An obviously very experienced listener"
41. "Anchored me whilst I went through a crisis"
42. "Applied what helped to both my relationship and my business"
43. "Appreciate having someone listen to my issues, and affirm how I'm feeling about them"
44. "Appreciate your honest and straightforward approach"
45. "Appreciated the service I received, and will recommend others to you"
46. "Appreciated your calmness and focus"
47. "Approachable, open, and honest"
48. "Asks the big deep questions"
49. "Asks the questions that I didn't want to answer, but needed to answer"
50. "Attentive and understanding"
51. "Awesome encouragement"
52. "B***** awesome!"
53. "B****y fantastic"
54. "Beginning to regain a sense of self"
55. "Beginning to regain some hope for the future"
56. "Being solution-focussed suited me"
57. "Believed in me when I didn't have the hope to believe in myself"
58. "Believed in me, and challenged me"
59. "Big help, and made a difference"
60. "Blew every negative stereotype I had of Counsellors right out of the water"
61. "Bravo!!"
62. "Brilliant follow-up throughout the process"
63. "Brilliant turn-around, after just 1 session"
64. "Brings resolution to challenging situations"
65. "Brutally honest, and spoke what I knew to be the truth of the issue"
66. "Can't thank you enough"
67. "Celebrated our first anniversary in years that both of us didn't have to wonder if it would be our last"
68. "Cheaper than a lawyer, and better result"
69. "Clear-headed, consistent support"
70. "Clear determination to do what is best for the client”
71. "Comes highly recommended"
72. "Coming and seeing you was the best thing I could have done"
73. "Completely turned around our marriage from nothing, to something great"
74. "Completely understood everything I was trying to say"
75. "Consistently treated me with value"
76. "Constructive input into our family"
77. "Definitely taking steps in the right direction now"
78. "Demonstrated a role model of what a father should be like"
79. "Did an outstanding job"
80. "Did much more than just listen"
81. "Didn't leave us hanging with no direction to go in"
82. "Discerning of the main issues"
83. "Displayed great wisdom in the intervention"
84. "Displays loyalty to his clients"
85. "Does this whole "counselling" thing so much differently from anybody else - which makes it work"
86. "Doesn't just listen - confronts"
87. "Don't ever give up on the wonderful work you are doing"
88. "Don't feel so alone and in limbo anymore"
89. "Don't think I would have got this far without your advice, support and encouragement"
90. "Dreams & passions have come back for me"
91. "Enabled us to re-think our approach to our relationship"
92. "Encouraging and helpful"
93. "Enjoyed hearing your perspective on the issues raised"
94. "Even better than I was led to believe"
95. "Every single Counsellor needs to learn how this guy does Counselling, and then do likewise"
96. "Exactly what we needed"
97. "Exceeded expectations"
98. "Excellent resources and assistance"
99. "Excellent strategies for family intervention"
100. "Excellent work with our school"
101. "Exemplary service"
102. "Experienced a huge release"
103. "Experienced a huge relief"
104. "Experienced a new openness in our relationship"
105. "Experienced internal pain relief"
106. "Experiencing a huge growth in the nature of our relationship"
107. "Fabulous feedback received to your training"
108. "Faced some fears and gained some confidence"
109. "Feel so much better than I have felt in over 25 years"
110. "Feel uplifted after every session"
111. "Feeling much less hopeless about our situation"
112. "Feels good to be making some positive changes"
113. "Felt a new level of reassurance and hope"
114. "Felt good to make decisions and take some steps forward rather than just anguishing over things"
115. "Felt hope for the first time in a long time"
116. "Felt like a huge load had been lifted off me"
117. "Felt like we made good progress"
118. "Felt my opinion was respected by Steve"
119. "Felt safe within the session"
120. "Felt so much lighter and relieved - amazing"
121. "Felt supported both in and between appointments"
122. "Felt that you held a balanced and neutral position"
123. "Felt very at ease and at home"
124. "Felt very comfortable in the sessions"
125. "Felt very positive that you could help"
126. "Felt very relaxed while working through issues"
127. "Felt very safe"
128. "Felt, understood, supported, and safe"
129. "Finally - someone believed me"
130. "Finally feel that I can be strong in myself"
131. "Finally see the light from inside the deep, long tunnel"
132. "Finally, some clarity!"
133. "Finally, someone who knows what they are doing"
134. "Finally, someone who validated my feelings"
135. "First person I have met in my life who treated me with respect"
136. "First person I have met who saw value in me, which enabled me to then value myself"
137. "First time I have actually felt safe in my marriage"
138. "Follow up advice and email support much appreciated"
139. "Found both optimism and drive for my life - the first time I have done so in years"
140. "Fun and successful assistance"
141. "Gained a lot of strength and guidance"
142. "Gained my trust"
143. "Gave me a lifeline"
144. "Gave me a lifeline"
145. "Gave me clarity, courage, and confidence"
146. "Gave me hope for a better life"
147. "Gave me hope from the moment we met"
148. "Gave me my power back"
149. "Gave me unconditional acceptance"
150. "Gave us some practical tools to move forward"
151. "Generous with both time and resources"
152. "Goes the extra mile"
153. "Gone from dreading my relationship to looking forward to being involved in it again"
154. "Good to have an external reference point and not feel isolated"
155. "Got heaps from our session"
156. "Got our whole family on board, and moving in the same direction"
157. "Got us moving forward towards making some decisions"
158. "Got us onto the same page - we are now getting on really well"
159. "Great breakthrough in Mediation - very happy"
160. "Great improvement within 24 hours of the session - much appreciated!"
161. "Great insights gained"
162. "Great sense of humour - important in times of stress".
163. "Great to know that we got somewhere, instead of going around, and around, and around....."
164. "Great to know that your door is open for those we recommend to you"
165. "Great to unload and get some affirmation"
166. "Had an epiphany"
167. "Has given us great confidence going forward into the future"
168. "Has helped us get to a much better place in our relationship"
169. "Has the balls to ask questions, and to modify his approach"
170. "Have recommended you to several of our friends"
171. "Have taken on board points raised and very grateful for your observations"
172. "Haven't been depressed in over a year - great!".
173. "Having a solution-focussed perspective was very reassuring"
174. "Having our teenager hear from a third party was very effective"
175. "Hearing a male perspective on the issues raised was great"
176. "Heartfelt thanks for giving us hope"
177. "Helped a lot - after just one session"
178. "Helped make the process I was going through much clearer"
179. "Helped me build my floorboards back into my life"
180. "Helped me to discover new meaning and purpose in my life"
181. "Helped me to ease some of the emotional pressure"
182. "Helped me to experience an unexpected relief from pain"
183. "Helped me to get through the tough times of my life"
184. "Helped me to hold onto life"
185. "Helped me to make a difficult decision"
186. "Helped me to more effective in making decisions"
187. "Helped me to navigate my way through a difficult situation for a positive result"
188. "Helped me to reflect on my responses and opinions in my relationship"
189. "Helped me to resolve the issues I needed to resolve"
190. "Helped me to see that I wasn't over-reacting"
191. "Helped me to sort things out and bought me to a better place in my life"
192. "Helped me to take action, instead of spinning out of control"
193. "Helped reiterate issues that need to be worked on in my own life"
194. "Helped to clear our minds and get back on track"
195. "Helped to ease the stress within our family"
196. "Helped to improve my confidence in my situation"
197. "Helped to keep me in one piece"
198. "Helped to realise that I wasn't going mad"
199. "Helped to skill me up for my life ahead"
200. "Helped to stop me hitting a wall"
201. "Helped us to an incredible recovery to lead fulfilling lives"
202. "Helped us to make some life changing decisions"
203. "Helped us to put some needed boundaries in place"
204. "Helped us tremendously"
205. "Helpful and thought provoking"
206. "Helps and encourages me to think for myself"
207. "Highlighted my personality hotspots"
208. "Highly recommended"
209. "Hit me right between the eyes - which was good, because I didn't come to Counselling for a "cuddle"
210. "Honest and up front"
211. "Honest, and with a wealth of knowledge and skill"
212. "Honest, truthful, and compassionate"
213. "Hope, joy, & excitement have returned after being detached and lost to me for so long"
214. "Huge help to have someone who believed in me"
215. "Huge positive changes for our family - thank you"
216. "I am a changed person for the better"
217. "I am ever so grateful - you are a rock"
218. "I am finally beginning to live fully and have only just begun to realise it"
219. "I am glad I chose you to work with my family"
220. "I am much more at peace and relaxed"
221. "I am so much more confident and assertive than I was before coming here"
222. "I can't thank you enough for what you have done for my children"
223. "I come here because I can be absolutely honest - about anything"
224. "I completely trust this guy"
225. "I couldn't have achieved what I did without your help"
226. "I don't have to fret anymore about things that I can't control"
227. "I feel 100's of times better than just 3 weeks ago"
228. "I feel like I have turned a corner, and want to live again"
229. "I feel more empowered and emotionally stronger"
230. "I feel so much stronger now"
231. "I felt I made progress in ways I haven't been able to before"
232. "I felt like I counted and that my opinions and thoughts mattered"
233. "I felt more empowered and positive"
234. "I have appreciated the care, expertise and support as my Supervisor"
235. "I have come a long way in the right direction"
236. "I have had unbelievable positive changes in just 3 months"
237. "I have heard so many positive things about you"
238. "I have never felt judged during this process - this is quite bewildering for me"
239. "I have referred friends and family to you - what more can I say?"
240. "I have the confidence to now stand up for myself"
241. "I know that you have got my back if I need you to"
242. "I made more progress in 4 sessions with you than in 12 months with a Psychotherapist"
243. "I needed a reality check - and I got one"
244. "I never thought I could get this far"
245. "I no longer feel like leaving my relationship"
246. "I no longer feel that we are going around in circles"
247. "I now feel relieved and free to be me"
248. "I now know what I want"
249. "I really appreciated your work with me"
250. "I seriously underestimated your ability"
251. "I trust that this person knows what he is doing"
252. "I trust this guys competence"
253. "I trust this person more than I have trusted anyone in my whole life"
254. "I was able to talk about stuff I haven't been able to before"
255. "I wasn't just a number, and felt really cared about"
256. "I will always be grateful"
257. "I wish we had met you 10 years ago"
258. "I would swear by this guy to do a good job"
259. "I'm feeling free - and I have no idea how you did it"
260. "I'm in a different and much better place now"
261. "I'm much more self-aware: really helped"
262. "I'm now more confident and optimistic"
263. "I'm so impressed - and I don't usually get impressed"
264. "I've had a big holiday from confusion"
265. "I've learnt not to be afraid to say what I think"
266. "I've never seen such a dramatic positive change in a boys attitude and behaviour before"
267. "If it hadn't been for your help, I would probably be dead"
268. "Impossibly good"
269. "Impressive work"
270. "Increased stability and focus at school"
271. "Incredibly fortunate to have you enter our lives"
272. "Incredibly healing"
273. "Incredibly worthwhile"
274. "Inspiring"
275. "Is a strong advocate"
276. "It felt like you cared more about my situation than anyone else did"
277. "It has made a really positive difference talking to you"
278. "It is sad that more people can't get this quality of counselling"
279. "I’ve recommended you to several of my friends"
280. "Just awesome at what he does"
281. "Just doesn't give up on you"
282. "Just what we needed"
283. "Keeps hitting the nail on the head - every time"
284. "Kind and compassionate regarding my circumstances"
285. "Kind, present, and sensitive"
286. "Knows his stuff"
287. "Knows what he is doing"
288. "Laughed a lot - very therapeutic!"
289. "Left the office feeling so much stronger and supported"
290. "Life at the moment is great for us both!"
291. "Life-changing"
292. "Liked the practical, real-world approach"
293. "Liked the problem-solving approach of the Counselling"
294. "Listens very well without judgement or opinion - unless asked ;)"
295. "Made a decision - big relief - now feels much better"
296. "Made a very tough time much easier to bear"
297. "Made faster progress with this counsellor than with any other counsellor I have ever been to"
298. "Made huge sense in bringing some sanity to our situation"
299. "Made me feel safe and understood"
300. "Made me laugh - something I haven't done in a while"
301. "Made me want to have the best for me"
302. "Made us more aware of how we were treating each other"
303. "Makes an awesome contribution to society"
304. "Making a lot of discoveries"
305. "Many thanks for all your support, advice and humour"
306. "Many thanks for your encouragement and support"
307. "Many thanks for your guidance through a difficult time"
308. "Monumental progress in a short time"
309. "More productive than going to a lawyer"
310. "Most insightful"
311. "Motivates others to change their lives for the better"
312. "Much needed assistance and a sense of direction"
313. "My child changed for the better from the moment she met you - I can't believe it"
314. "My children are now more able to understand action and consequence"
315. "My daughter was happier than I have seen her for a long time"
316. "My friend raved about you after seeing you"
317. "My friend was in good hands"
318. "My kid is a different kid – a situation which has blown us all away"
319. "My last counsellor listened and yawned - this guy listened and acted"
320. "My parents raved about you"
321. "My thinking is much clearer now than it was beforehand"
322. "Never gave up on me"
323. "Never invokes a sense of rejection"
324. "No magic bullet - and found out we didn't need one"
325. "No nonsense - calls a spade a spade"
326. "No touchy-feely wussy stuff - just practical, real life help and assistance"
327. "No wishy-washy stuff, no bull****, which was great!"
328. "No wonder why he is in such high demand"
329. "Not like a number of other Counsellors I have met, who were pretty messed up themselves actually".
330. "Not nearly as "het up" about things as I used to be"
331. "Not sure where we would be without your support"
332. "Now feeling more confident"
333. "Now THAT was helpful"
334. "OK - that was different!"
335. "On my way to better things"
336. "Our biggest breakthrough came when he asked us "when is enough, enough?"
337. "Our children now listen to us - which is a good thing!"
338. "Our home is certainly a lot better than it was a month ago"
339. "Our marriage has completely turned around for the better"
340. "Our marriage is now much better"
341. "Our relationship is in much better health since we came to see you"
342. "Perfect for me"
343. "Please continue to provide hope and support to others"
344. "Practical and solution-focussed.....amazing"
345. "Process was very insightful"
346. "Prompt follow-up"
347. "Provided amazing input into my life"
348. "Provided reassurance for us as a family"
349. "Provided the right tools to help me get on the right pathway"
350. "Pulled me back from the edge of despair"
351. "Pulled the pain out of me"
352. "Quite a revelation to me"
353. "Quite how you have the energy to do what you do defies me"
354. "Read our situation perfectly - missed nothing"
355. "Real breakthrough in relationship with my child"
356. "Really appreciate the work you did with me"
357. "Really appreciated your down-to-earth approach"
358. "Really beneficial"
359. "Really enjoyed having you as my Supervisor"
360. "Really respect what you do - awesome counsellor"
361. "Reclaimed my dignity, freedom, creativity, spirituality, and sexuality"
362. "Recognises that people are colourful, complex, and not cut from textbooks"
363. "Refreshingly different style of counselling"
364. "Released me from self-condemnation"
365. "Relieved and happy"
366. "Relieved to have found someone like you to help us"
367. "Restored hope and enthusiasm for life"
368. "Restored my belief in myself as a person of worth"
369. "Restored my belief in myself"
370. "Restored my hope in having a better life"
371. "Restored my hope"
372. "Revolutionary change for our family"
373. "Said 12 sessions to resolution, and it was - unbelievable"
374. "Saved us from a huge settlement"
375. "Saw me when I was most vulnerable, and didn't let me down"
376. "Seeing you was the best thing I have done"
377. "Serious progress made"
378. "Set our son in the right direction"
379. "Shed some much needed light into a dark situation"
380. "Shifted the heavy weight I was carrying and gave me hope"
381. "Showed me unconditional acceptance"
382. "Simple, straightforward, and effective"
383. "So glad I did this"
384. "So nice to have someone I can trust to refer people to"
385. "So pleased that my life feels stable again"
386. "So pleased with what we have achieved with you so far"
387. "Something inside me was able to lay down and rest"
388. "Spoke my language"
389. "Spoke to my spirit, as much as to me"
390. "Spot on, direct, and no-nonsense approach"
391. "Stopped taking responsibility for stuff that wasn't mine to own"
392. "Straight talker"
393. "Straight up the middle approach was welcome"
394. "Straight up!"
395. "Strengthened my resolve"
396. "Strengthens my resolve"
397. "Strong advocate for my interests"
398. "Successfully worked so hard above and between appointments towards a positive outcome"
399. "Such a positive change for our family since we came and saw you"
400. "Supported my family through a 5 day Family Court Hearing"
401. "Supportive and understanding"
402. "Talked for an hour, and finally someone got it"
403. "Talking to someone about our family dynamics was a great help"
404. "Teaching me how not to be intimidated by people"
405. "Terrifically helpful to have things so clearly identified"
406. "Thank goodness for my decision to do this"
407. "Thank goodness we came and saw you"
408. "Thank you for "being in the ring" with me"
409. "Thank you for a fine piece of collaborative work!"
410. "Thank you for being a stable, solid, influence in my life"
411. "Thank you for both your effort and expertise"
412. "Thank you for encouraging me to take action - it paid off"
413. "Thank You for helping me get to my break-through"
414. "Thank you for helping me to gain my freedom from an abusive situation"
415. "Thank you for helping to save our marriage"
416. "Thank you for helping us to restore our relationship with our daughter"
417. "Thank you for persevering with me"
418. "Thank you for providing such an excellent service to our agency"
419. "Thank you for showing such empathy"
420. "Thank you for the thoroughness of your work"
421. "Thank you for your continued support and belief in me"
422. "Thank you for your time and wisdom"
423. "Thank you for your understanding and acknowledgement of what I was going through"
424. "Thank you for your wisdom and support"
425. "Thank you so much for your guidance"
426. "Thank you, with a very grateful heart"
427. "Thanks for all of your help during this very difficult time"
428. "Thanks for being in my corner"
429. "Thanks for bringing us as a family back together on the same page"
430. "Thanks for guiding me towards a positive new path - I am very grateful"
431. "Thanks for helping me to change my life for the better"
432. "Thanks for helping me to get some perspective"
433. "Thanks for helping to keep me alive"
434. "Thanks for pulling my family back together"
435. "Thanks for the awesome advice"
436. "Thanks for your help in re-establishing my boundaries"
437. "Thanks for your ongoing support"
438. "Thanks for your perseverance with me"
439. "Thanks incredibly for the input you have had into turning my life around."
440. "Thanks to you, I have had one of the most stable years of my life"
441. "Thank you for your wisdom and energy"
442. "The approach that you use works - simple as that"
443. "The best I have felt in many years"
444. "The family is doing so much better"
445. "The follow up service is amazing"
446. "The impact of your sessions with our family has got us back on the rails"
447. "The investment in this process cost nothing in the grand scheme of things"
448. "The more positive side of me is returning"
449. "The most encouraging and effective counselling I have ever experienced"
450. "The most non-judgemental person I have ever met"
451. "The most unconditionally accepted I have ever felt"
452. "The only Counsellor I have ever come back to"
453. "The only Counsellor I haven't fired"
454. "The only counsellor I met that offered a time-bound treatment plan"
455. "The only person who has actually been of any help at all!"
456. "The only person who supported us as parents"
457. "The positive difference in our child has been amazing"
458. "The positive shift in our relationship has been huge"
459. "There are not enough words to say how grateful we are to you for your help"
460. "Things are now making sense - priceless!"
461. "Things aren't perfect - but they are definitely better"
462. "Things in our home have improved out of site"
463. "Third party perspective proved to be very useful"
464. "This guy has a gift"
465. "This guy is a magician"
466. "This guy is good - very, very good"
467. "This is the first time I have ever been held accountable for my behaviour"
468. "This is the first time someone has stood with us, as opposed to pointing the finger at us"
469. "This process was really helpful"
470. "This whole process has changed us all immensely for the better'
471. "Those working in mental health services could learn a lot from you"
472. "Thrilled and delighted with the progress that has been made"
473. "Through the laughter and the tears, you have really made a difference"
474. "Time, energy, and effort evident in presentation"
475. "Told me what I needed to hear, as opposed to what I wanted to hear".
476. "Tremendous work"
477. "Truly amazing - very lucky to have you helping us"
478. "Truly grateful for your help"
479. "Truly helped me"
480. "Tuned in very quickly to where I was at"
481. "Unbelievably fortunate to have met you"
482. "Unbelievably supportive of our family"
483. "Unconditionally accepting, honest, caring, and straight talking"
484. "Unconventional and a winning formula because of it"
485. "Unlike any other Counsellor I have ever met"
486. "Unlocked my ability to cope with life -things are now much better"
487. "Useful, informative, and fun seminar presentation"
488. "Validated my voice as a client"
489. "Valuable assistance and help"
490. "Very appreciative of help received"
491. "Very blessed to have your expertise in helping us"
492. "Very constructive"
493. "Very easy to talk to and share things with"
494. "Very eye opening"
495. "Very grateful for everything you have done for me over the last two years"
496. "Very grateful"
497. "Very helpful perspective"
498. "Very helpful to have faced some hard truths"
499. "Very impressed with this approach"
500. "Very interesting insights discovered and discussed"
501. "Very lucky to have found you"
502. "Very lucky to have you on board"
503. "Very practical - I'm stoked'
504. "Very professional service"
505. "Very thorough"
506. "Very Un-Politically Correct, which I was delighted about"
507. "Very worthwhile"
508. "Wanted to end my life until I met you"
509. "Was a huge support to me and my children over a two year break-up"
510. "Was a real lifesaver for our daughter"
511. "Was able to help us immensely"
512. "Was able to state things in a way that I was not able to"
513. "Was able to sum up our situation in one sentence - amazing"
514. "Was great to be able to download"
515. "Was patient, kind, and always willing to listen"
516. "We are now more committed to each other than ever"
517. "We are very grateful that you have chosen this career path"
518. "We are very happy with the progress we made"
519. "We can't thank you enough"
520. "We didn't expect the positive results that we received, as early as we received them"
521. "We felt really lost until our family found you"
522. "We finally have a good marriage, and are motivated to keep it that way"
523. "We have had excellent feedback from the people we have referred to you"
524. "We have stopped forever arguing - rules are now more clear"
525. "We LOVE Steve Taylor!"
526. "We needed to do this years ago"
527. "We would be divorced now if we hadn't come to you".
528. "What an improvement I have experienced compared to 12 months ago!"
529. "Whatever it was that you worked!"
530. "Why doesn't everyone do this?"
531. "Wish I had had this calibre of counselling earlier in my life"
532. "Wish I had made the decision earlier to do this"
533. "Without the tools that I learnt, I would not have coped"
534. "Wonderful progress - we have stopped fighting and are now engaged!"
535. "Wonderful"
536. "Words can't express how much you have helped me out"
537. "Working us towards having a more fulfilling relationship"
538. "Works both FOR & WITH his clients"
539. "Works collaboratively from, and on, an even, stable base"
540. "Worth every cent"
541. "Writes with an applied social conscience"
542. "You are an excellent resource for our family"
543. "You are incredible at what you do"
544. "You are the bomb!"
545. "You do a fantastic job"
546. "You do good S***!"
547. "You have played a huge role in facilitating my stability"
548. "You saved my life"
549. "You should be teaching other Counsellors & Psychologists how to help people"
550. "You are simply the best Counsellor we have ever had"
551. "Your assessment of our situation was spot on"
552. "Your insight was the trigger I needed to accept the truth"
553. "Your number is next to our phone - just in case"
554. "Your passion for what you do makes a difference in people’s lives"
555. "Your stuff must work, because we are getting along great!"
556. "Very un-PC and un-woke: - love it!"
557: "A big thank you for your incredible support once again this year Steve, I get so much out of our sessions and am beyond thrilled to be working with a professional as kind, wise, and personable as you. Your guidance has been my beacon in challenging times. Thank you for helping me navigate and grow".